Children (Paediatric ENT) Conditions

(Paediatric ENT) Conditions

Children (Paediatric ENT) Procedures

(Paediatric ENT) Procedures

Choanal Atresia Repair

Treatment of Choanal Atresia

 Thera are two levels in intervention  – Emergency and Definitive.

Bilateral Choanal Atresia in a neonate is an emergency. Babies with Unilateral Choanal Atresia may not require any urgent treatment. However, they’ll need to be closely monitored for symptoms of breathing problems. ENT doctor may advise the use of a nasal saline spray to keep the nostril clear. Eventually they will benefit from definitive treatment.

Immediate action needs to be taken to treat Bilateral Choanal Atresia in babies. The urgent problem is best initially treated by inserting an oral airway to break the seal formed by the tongue against the palate. This oral airway can be well tolerated for several days. Bilateral Choanal Atresia will require the ENT surgeon performing airway definitive treatment by re-canalisation surgery so that the child breathes normally.

The ideal definitive procedure for choanal atresia restores the normal nasal passage, prevents damage to growing structures important in facial development, is technically safe, requires short operative time, and provides short hospitalization and convalescence.

The most common type of surgery used is Endoscopic Re-Canalisation. The endoscopic technique (nasal or retropalatal), with powered instrumentation, offers excellent visualization with great ease in removing the bony choanae. Stenting using special tubes may be performed for a few weeks.

Once the nasal blockage is removed, the babies can grow up to have normal lives. However, babies with any other birth defects may require additional treatment for those particular conditions..

Book an appointment with the best pediatric ENT specialist if your infant has symptoms of Choanal Atresia.

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